Ultrasound Technology & Innovation

FAQ: Gynecological Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis

Understanding risks and diagnostic options can help women get gynecological cancer treatment earlier. Find answers to questions about caring for your patients.

While endometrial, cervical and ovarian cancers each have their own different age-related risk factors, OB/GYNs should be prepared to form gynecological cancer treatment plans for patients of all ages, from adolescence to after menopause. Patients who have been diagnosed with cancer are often distressed and seeking answers. Learn more about how to talk to patients about cancer prevention and treatment and how ultrasound can play a role in diagnosis. 

  1. What's the connection between postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and cancer? HRT is associated with an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancers. Patients should understand the risks and benefits of therapy and their options for monitoring for disease. Learn more about current research findings and how to talk to patients about their risk. 
  2. What fertility preservation options are available for women with cancer? Cancer treatment can have a major impact on future fertility. Luckily, there are several options for preservation depending on a patient's situation, including ovarian tissue cryopreservation, ovarian transposition and radical trachelectomy.
  3. How do ovarian cancer risks change with age? Ovarian cancer commonly occurs in older women, but it can occur in adolescence. OB/GYNs should be comfortable discussing ovarian cancer risks throughout a patient's life and know what signs to look for. 
  4. What's the benefit of adding 3D breast ultrasound to mammograms? Cancer can be hard to see on a mammogram in women with dense breast tissue. Adding 3D breast ultrasound to cancer screening could catch more cancers in this patient population.
  5. What is the best way to detect endometrial cancer early? Performing a transvaginal ultrasound first helps identify signs of endometrial cancer for tissue sampling. Learn more about how to perform the scan and what to look for.
  6. Can ultrasound aid in cervical cancer screening and surgical planning? If a Pap smear shows the presence of cancerous cells, an ultrasound scan can provide imaging detail comparable to an MRI to aid in diagnosis and surgical planning. 
  7. How does cervical cancer ultrasound compare to MRI for cancer staging? 3D ultrasound has performed as well as MRI in studies for cervical cancer staging. Ultrasound can be instrumental in helping determine the size of tumors and the degree of stromal infiltration.

 As with most cancers, accessing gynecological cancer treatment early on improves outcomes. Knowing what to look for, plus understanding affordable options for screening, can help you get answers for your patients at earlier stages of the disease.