Women's Health

Postmenopausal Bleeding and Other Concerns for Older GYN Patients

Get answers to common questions about postmenopausal bleeding and other health concerns for older gynecology patients.

Postmenopausal patients make up a growing segment of the patient base for today's gynecologists. Approximately 40 million people are over age 65 in the United States alone, and this age group will likely make up 20 percent of the population in the coming decades, according to a bulletin by the Population Reference Bureau

This age group's primary concerns often revolve around overall wellness, pelvic health and cancer prevention. Postmenopausal bleeding is one of the most common reasons older adults see their gynecologist. Learn more about how to diagnose the causes of postmenopausal bleeding and how to support patients at this stage in their lives.

  1. What are some common gynecologic concerns for postmenopausal women? Hormone shifts mean dryness and changes in sexual health for postmenopausal women. They may have abnormal uterine bleeding or persistent symptoms of menopause. Some issues may be uncomfortable to talk about; gynecologists need to understand the common issues for these patients and, sometimes, be the ones to start the conversation.
  2. What are some possible causes of postmenopausal bleeding? Abnormal uterine bleeding is one of the most common complaints among postmenopausal women, who may be worried about their cancer risk. This bleeding can be a sign of uterine cancer, but cancer is not the most likely culprit. 3D ultrasound has a high negative predictive value, which means practitioners can rule out uterine cancer and look for other underlying causes. This saves you and your patient time and worry.
  3. What are benign reasons for postmenopausal bleeding? Many postmenopausal women who experience abnormal uterine bleeding don't have cancer. Fibroids, polyps, hyperplasia and infections can also cause bleeding or other symptoms. 3D ultrasound allows you to evaluate endometrial thickness and pelvic masses. It is an affordable, accurate and convenient first-line tool for evaluating the underlying causes of abnormal uterine bleeding.
  4. What are the best tools to diagnose the cause of postmenopausal bleeding? 3D transvaginal ultrasound provides a safe, less costly way to evaluate this bleeding and diagnose the underlying cause. One of the more serious concerns is cancer. 3D ultrasound provides fast, accurate evaluation to uncover the underlying cause or to rule out cancer. Find out more about how ultrasound aids diagnosis.
  5. How can 3D ultrasound aid postmenopausal bleeding treatment? Finding the right treatment starts with an accurate diagnosis. 3D ultrasound visualizes the coronal plane, providing a detailed view of the uterus and other pelvic structures. This technology also provides timely answers, helping you get your patients connected to the right treatments faster.
  6. How can 3D ultrasound transform postmenopausal gynecology? Gynecology patients over 65 have unique health needs, particularly related to pelvic health. On-site 3D ultrasound provides fast answers and accurate diagnoses within the office. This saves your patients time and money from more expensive imaging procedures and referrals away from your practice.

3D ultrasound is an invaluable tool for helping postmenopausal patients. With its accuracy, high negative predictive value, plus safety and convenience, physicians are able to give their patients more answers in the office.